Sunday 26 February 2023

The following website covers a variety of subjects applied to this existence and compares such subjects with what Jesus teaches humans to do in Luke 4:4 .

In connection to this:

For example:

Aw yes.

Study and compare.

Scripture with life.

In general.


That’s is the basic premise of this site.

And on that note I now say this.

 I begin this post with the following:  a copy of a letter I sent to someone named bill .

In this life.

Worded as follows.

On the functions of 9/11 here is some rational logic addressed as follows William.

Worded  thus: as follows.

Studying. The problem? Of 9/11? Bill?  Okay.  Here’s good for thought on that note.

 In summarizing the truth of this life’s facts “”” one must do what Leviticus 19:35-37 instructs humans.

As Matthew 5:17-20 says through Jesus.


That means what? Humans for the majority do not like it if someone summarizies all the real facts of this life appropriately.

Because if someone does that it proves for the majority that evil humans prefer controversial things over the truth of Jesus.

But it’s Jesus and truth which stop the lies and controversy’s of Satan in this life.


On that note I must include controversy.

Therefore in matters which apply to this life’s issues.


Because humans are secretly deceptive. In this life.

And very pretentious to the truth of what Jesus warns humans of in Luke 12:1-3.

Like the song  entitled “shelter me””by the band named Cinderella says.

Where the lead singer is quoted as saying this.

In that song.

“””Check out mr politician in his suit and tie. But when the doors are closed their ain’t nothing he won’t try.

Meanwhile mr medicine man’s treating his best friends wife.

So that’s why I must include controversy or controversial images in my websites and words.



Luke 12:1-3 and Leviticus 19:35-37 connected to Mathew 5:17-20 says to do just that.

Contrary to what deceitful people and evil spirits want in this present formation of this life.

Which all circularizes  what Jesus says to humanity in Luke 6:26 likewise.

Humans don’t like me because I obey what Luke 12:1-3  Leviticus 19:35-37 and Matthew 5:17-20 says.

O well.

That’s the way it goes.

This post attached to this link still addresses the truth of 9 11 fully.

To the dismay of many government officials in America and Canada and to the dismay of all people who hate the real truth of matters being addressed in this life.

Blessings to you and your brother Tom on that note bill.

And if you want the real truth of 9 11 ? Here it is bro.

In this link.

Peace to you in Jesus.

On that note.

I now close this opening post attached to this site with this.

This information which applies to a YouTube station I have on YouTube.

And on that note I ask the readers of this site to evaluate this information attached below.

In the following link.

Corporations and government authority figures do terrible things to poor people.

I prove that here.
In this link.

and I also prove that too in a video attached below from that YouTube station of mine.


Vinnie Venus videos YouTube.

Aw yes.

A video from that very YouTube station.

Attached immediately below these words.

 A video which I feel is applicable to the basic functions of human societies on earth today.

Explained by me regarding its 

Address located inside it as follows.

Here I am” touring through the abandoned super structure of the senescent London psychiatric facility’s ancient Interior.


For the record do note that 
There were some dangerous spots 

In the hospitals interior.

While walking through it.

Their were a few holes too that dropped to other floors. In dark areas of the abandoned hospital.
You had to keep alert when walking through it.
Which is what I did.
8 months ago.

To the date of this posts writing.

The building is now gone. Torn down. With all it’s important historical records 
On that note you know what they say guys.

Those who do not monitor history and the mistakes that go with it are doomed to repeating those errors.

Why didn’t they just try and save it?
London Ontario politicians making progress ?

That summarizes this first posts contents. I now proceed with this blog with the following subjects.

Turn the page to find out what they are.

In connection to Luke 4:4 and c10q73 of the quatrains of Nostradamus so I’ll tell you this.

On that note

If one is in possession of a brain in this existence which operates ultimately above the level of a terrestrial ostrich then one will do just that.

Woe my yes. (

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