Tuesday 21 February 2023

Superbly suprationally sensationally spiritual

Summarizing obviously clearly important Christian truths for all humanity in this life.

Connecting simple dots.
Connected obviously to what Jesus warns all humans of in Luke 4:4 of Christianity.


Summarizing a very important fact for all humanity presently in this existence .
Connected to mark 3:29 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity.

The following journal attached to this blog website summarises various serious important facts in this life for all of humanity. In connection to c10 q73 of the quatrains of Nostradamus . accompanied with images.
And videos. Obviously.
For secondary reasons images are attached.
To emphasise various rational points made in words and statements located on this post.
It is the words attached to this site which mostly  matter though. 
As the words attached to this post verify and clarify many  various serious facts located in this life.
Whereby logical people who read this post and this website need to note that obviously literal truth.

And it is, on that note , that I now wish to clarify the following factual truths to the readers of this blog website.

First off. This needs to  be noted.
For the appropriate sake of record.

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and mark 3:29"' in  Christianity ,,,1st Samuel 17 and Isiah 20:2-4 clearly advise and warn all of humanity and all of creation in this life that many holy glorious divine  Christian and Jewish prophets  of Christianity and Judaism irrefutably  prophesy the words of God and Jesus Christ while they are  bare naked and without clothing on.

Both male and female prophets of Christianity do this while filled with Christ's spirit and while filled with christianitys holy Spirit in this life.

At times.

In this existence humanity finds itself..

That said?
If that's what Christianity teaches humans in this life then perhaps it is not wise for a mere mortal to slander a prophet of Christ while such a prophet is prophesying to humanity in such a fashion without clothes on?

If such a prophet of Christ is filled with the holy ghost.

As 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and mark 3:29 confirm.


As Christ warns in all humanity in mark 3:29 that anyone who slanders someone who walks in Christianitys holy ghost is guilty of eternal unforgivable iniquity before Christ and his holy Father.

Connecting 🤯dots 🤥of 😸Luke 4:4?😧 Like a kindergarten 🤡student?💥
Jude 1:14 and early Christian churches and apostles say book of Enoch is scriptural.

What does Ephesians 6:10-12 say?
What does 2nd cor 11:13-15 say?

That’s basically what the 1st 2nd and 3rd books of Enoch say.

Which also goes hand in hand with c4q97 of the words of Nostradamus.

How interesting:

And c7q97 of that prophets words to humanity too.

Worded as follows.

C7q97. Nostradamus:🫣
🤯“””Face and subdue the multiple. Cast through invisible sound. 😲Tame and skin the beast to live for tomorrows time”””🥳


Connect Luke 4:4 properly and whattya get?

The book of Enoch says millions of evil spirits formerly faithful to Christ before they ate of the ambrosiac elements of Christianity’s tree of life in prior existences ,,,are presently attached to this formation of this presently doomed present  universe.

And are entering our world through modern technology.

Aligned with rev 16:13-14.



On that note, in alignment unto 2nd Peter 1:19-21
Nostradamus says in C7q97 of his prophesies , what exactly?

“”””Face and subdue the multiple,,, “” meaning satans millions of minions presently scattered throughout this present formation of this universe…

Genesis 3:22. 

Then  Nostradamus continues c7q97 by saying what‘?’””

The evil spirits are cast onto earth from recluse areas of this universe “” through invisible sounds.””
Obviously modern technology.

Tame and skin the spiritual beasts to live in the time proposed by Nostradamus in c5q41 of the prophesies of Nostradamus.

As I explain here.

7thdawnelly.blogspot.com (http://7thdawnelly.blogspot.com/)
And here. 



Pure and simple.

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