Thursday 20 January 2022

Summarizing relevant facts applied to various topics and scenarios in this life.

A narrator on YouTube did a video once about the legendary point pleasantbitd man  sightings which occurred in 1966 to 68 mostly.
On that note I say this.

Just for the appropriate sake of record" on that video" which I presently do not have a link" because my internet is weak and I'm having a problem retracing where that video presently is on youtube " I will now state this.

The narrator startlingly states  that " with no physical evidence " only a fool accepts that it's possible MOTHMAN exists.

On that note 
I respectfully say this.
I'll turn your theory around somewhat by saying the following."
Just for the appropriate sake of record 

Humans have seen the lochness monster time and time again for actually over 2400 years.
I checked.

The earliest known sighting of the lochness monster on record actually is around 400 b.c.
According to factual non fiction human history.
In this existence in which humans dwell.

And factual scientific human  history basically implies the same too.
Where I read in books in university libraries  that numerous scientists throughout human history believe in the existence of nessie the lochness monster.
Theirs no physical evidence that the lochness monster exists though.
Why do most scientists I've read up on" on earth  accept the existence of nessie?
Alias the lochness monster.

If their is no real """"physical evidence""  to support the existence of such a water creature?
In fact?

I ask you.

Because eye vision accounts equal physical evidence in a roundabout way.

Obvious eye witnesses imply a type of physical proof to something that exists.
In a scientific state.

Because science teaches mankind that " a human cannot prove his or her own physical  existence" by themself.

Or by themselves.

Which means 

A mortal man or woman requires another person present to confirm the physical presence of another individual person on earth.  

That scientific teaching alone" in and of itself" throughly verifies to humanity that science teaches humans that an eye witness to something physical in nature on earth is legitimate proof of its existence.
In a  matter of speaking.

And on that note " in turn' when you have nearly countless people from every century on earth " since the time of christ" claiming that  they've seen nessie in the loch in Scotland " that means theres a type of huge monster in that loch.
Physically speaking obviously.

Physically speaking.
that amounts to a type of physical proof.
Because that many witnesses claiming in unison to seeing physically with their own eyes  the physical molecular presence   of another  creature or physical  organism  being dwelling  on earth amounts to physical proof of the existence of such a being.
Pure and simple.


Because people from different centuries as well as nationalities on earth dont unifiably  deliberately ridiculously waste their time idiotically lying  about molecular organism sightings  like  that  in complete unison.

For over two millenniums.

without such a situation being proven a hoax.
If it was a lie  then it would be proven a lie easily enough.

It is not the nature of human beings to lie in general.
Like that.
That's just not how humans operate. 

Some humans lie.
Yet the point?
The point is ""most humans dont deliberately lie in unison" about topics which relate to the topics like "" for example""the lochness monster.

For that matter.
That's not how human minds work.
In general.
Humans didnt lie for over 2 millenniums in other words on the physical existence of a monster in Scotland loch called nessie.
Pure and simple.

In general terms' in turn" " on the same wave length in logic " I will now say that
The same can be said for a being humans presently call MOTHMAN.

Regarding the functions of this video actually.

Regarding such a subject addressed.
That is the first point I will make on this subject which relates to MOTHMAN.
Quote unquote.

To continue 
Also on such a subject 

The narrator of this video seems to be claiming the 1966 to 1967 numerous numerous sightings of MOTHMAN in point pleasant west virginia are the only known sightings of moth man in human history.


Do better research.

If you dig properly?
You'll see this jeepers creepers bird referred to as MOTHMAN by most people has been sighted by many humans throughout the centuries of ad at the very least.

I know because I researched this topic in a variety of university libraries.
I no longer have all my resources at hand with me.

It's TRUE.

In order to give proper references to this statement.
Yet I assure the readers of this comment that what I just said is factual.


I can remember a few details of various reports though.

So for the record
I can list a few of my references that I still remember from my days in which I studied this monster bird.

Which I'll do right now.

April 26th 1986.  In the Soviet union Early in the morning 

Every morning for about a month  MOTHMAN is seen hovering at various conjectures in time over a nuclear center   til a disaster occurs.
Workers who see this  mothman are constantly plagued by nightmares of a disaster occurring in Soviet union.
Til disaster happens.

Another sighting of MOTHMAN occurred in british COLUMBIA Canada  in 1910.
When  miners in british columbia are stopped from entering a mine" blocked by the hovering presence of a big man like bird with bright shiney red eyes.
The workers didnt dare approach the entrance to the mine
Because this 7 foot moth man monster human bird was standing in front of the entrance to the mine.

3 hours later the mine collapses amidst numerous explosions.. .

The miners realize the big bird saved their lives.

Also another interesting fact to the MOTHMAN? people have recently sworn to the fact they claim that they saw the  MOTHMAN preceding 911 hovering around the wtc towers before the twin towers in New York city New York  fell.

These statements people make regarding these various events in human  history?
Which I am factually quoting?
Right now?

It's very much  highly unlucky this many  people are going to go to authority figures and lie about the very same monster in so many different  locations on earth invloving omens over various decades and even centuries when you've done the research I've done on this bird "regarding  disasters which all involve   sightings which possess a moth man in them.
In some fashion or another.

That isnt what most humans do.

 In any situation on earth.
Whether a situation involves a MOTHMAN. Or not.

Now" for the record"

I know their were many other factual accounts of MOTHMAN sightings in the university  books I addressed.
Yet I unfortunately cannot remember them all in  every detail.

Yet regardless I listed the ones just mentioned to the readers to verify that the point pleasant sightings are clearly not the only recorded sightings of MOTHMAN sightings in human history.

😱😱😱By FAR.🥳🥳🥳

Now I will say this.
If one is going to do a video on mothman " and yet claim that he is not going to include supernatural functions or applications to such a topic then all I can say to that claim is ""GOOD LUCK."'



That said" it is basically not rational to say you are going to make a video which discusses MOTHMAN sightings and not include supernatural concepts or magic to such a topic.
Now for the point pleasant sightings.

A vast variety of mystical reports of moth man being sighted recently in magical positions  took place in the usa near west virginia in the 1960's if I recall the location and dates correctly.

One factual  report in that vicinity  of a MOTHMAN sighting splecifically actually found  four teenagers in 1967 speeding on a highway in  virginia towards a small town in an effort to escape MOTHMAN.

Which appeared to be gliding after their car. 
Without the bird man wings flapping.

These four teenagers claim that the bird man easily  kept up with their car " flying beside it actually for about 5 minutes too at speeds of about  100 miles an hour.
Mothman actually  stopped chasing their car just as the 4 teenagers were arriving into  town.

The creature just vanished after that.

One of the teenagers actually said

 "" he didnt believe what he was seeing ""

and he  was actually sure he was hallucinating watching MOTHMAN fly beside the car" which was going 100 miles per hour ---  until the other teenagers in  the same car started panicking and screaming that they could see this legendary so called mythical creature too.


Clearly it's not a myth.
Too many people have reported seeing this creature for too many centuries.
And all the time the reports are similar in descriptions given of the creature.

That  obviously  means MOTHMAN is real.

In this life.

And not a myth.

For the record this should also be noted in this comment..
Before that night in which those 4 teenagers got chased by MOTHMAN the 4 teenagers said they had been aware of the recent news reports of MOTHMAN sightings.
Yet all 4 added they didnt believe in MOTHMAN.

All four said they irrefutably  believed in MOTHMANs  existence though  after that terrifying car ride took place...

Interesting statements to consider.
Spoken factually 
In obvious vERIDICAL veracious veracity.
Connected to this.

Numerous Physical  eye organism eye  witness sightings give testament to the accuracy of these statements addressed here.
Which reflects the following. 

Someone observing this video here said I am insane for leaving this comment.

His address is listed below.

To which I now say this.


  sure. Okay.  I'm insane. Yes. I agree to your statement. Yet " why" do I agree to your statement?
Because ''' in'" means " your in your right mind.
So that means" the present  English definition to the word " insane" is incorrect.
Or rather  not correct.
If one wishes to say someone is DERANGED on that note " the proper grammar should be " you should say I'm unsane.
Not insane...
Because insane clearly denotes that I am in my right mind.

Same as "" the word """incorrect "" means that someone is correct.

You see?

The point is?  Too many people have seen the same thing for centuries. People dont naturally lie .like that..
That's not human nature.
That clearly means their is an open bird.
Pure and simple.

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