Thursday 19 August 2021

Snelgrove snail versus the WWF 

I was in the other room " listening to the start of this video.
And I mistakenly thought I heard the female narrator say ""a  former homicidal maniac and  pervert "" is with us " analyzing this podcast with me.
This alarmed me.

So I rewound the video.

Just to make sure.
And ... well... thank the heavens .. that's not what she said!
Sometimes I wonder how sane " apparently sane people are.
On that note.
I've seen supposedly sane people go nuts.

Many times.
On many occasions.
Often times without provocation 
Often times without the police being notified.
Which is why I refer to this.
To close this comment.

Theme song at the end of this episode.

To this video now is what is noteworthy before the commencement of the following post.
The end theme song to this video  is awesome.

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